THBT Process of Education Must be Based on IT

Information technology (IT) is the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microelectronics-based combination of computing and telecommunications. The term in its modern sense first appeared in a 1958 article published in the Harvard Business Review, in which authors Leavitt and Whisler commented that "the new technology does not yet have a single established name. We shall call it information technology (IT). Some of the modern and emerging fields of Information technology are next generation web technologies, bioinformatics, cloud computing, global information systems, large scale knowledgebases, etc.
For students, technology can assist in the learning process. Internet one of them. Internet is very useful for search tasks given by the teacher. And it can also be used as a means of searching for some subject matter that exists.
An example is the website "Google" is often used in a search task or subject matter.
IT will be easier for us to receive knowledge from all kinds of subjects of any kind. Because we now live in a global era then we should take advantage of technological advances is to deepen our knowledge about all kinds of subjects of any kind.
Internet can be contacted at any time, meaning that students can take advantage of educational programs provided on the Internet network at any time in accordance with their free time so that time and space constraints they face to find learning resources can be resolved. With the rapid development in the field of telecommunications technology, multimedia, and information; listen to lectures, notes on paper is certainly outdated.

Internet open source of information that had been inaccessible. Access to information resources is not a problem anymore. The library is one source of information is expensive. (How many libraries in Indonesia, and how the quality?) The Internet allows a person in Indonesia to access the library in the United States in the form of the Digital Library. There have been many stories about the Internet's help in the research, the final task. Exchange of information or the frequently asked questions by experts can be done via the Internet. Without the Internet many of the final project and thesis which may require more time to resolve.

The rapid development of IT, especially the Internet, enabling the development of better information services in an educational institution. College environment, other IT utilization is realized in an electronic system called the university (e-University). The development of e-University aims to support education, so that colleges can provide better information services to the community, both within and outside the university through the Internet. Other educational services that can be implemented by means of the Internet is by providing online course material and course material can be accessed by anyone in need.

Environmental Education Academic Indonesia who knew alias already familiar with the implications of IT in Education is the UI and ITB. example UI. Almost every faculty contained in the UI has a network that can be accessed by the public, providing information that is difficult even to get it because of problems of space and time. It is also certainly very helpful for prospective students or even alumni and students who need information about tuition, curriculum, faculty mentors, or many others.

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